The Ultimate BIMI Generator Guide

July 2, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of email marketing, ensuring that your brand stands out and gains trust from your recipients is crucial. One powerful way to achieve this is by implementing Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI). BIMI allows you to display your brand's logo next to your emails in supporting email clients. In this article, we will explore BIMI generators and the automation options available, empowering you to take full advantage of this innovative email authentication protocol.

Understanding BIMI

Before diving into the world of BIMI generators, let's first gain a clear understanding of what BIMI is and how it works. BIMI is an email standard that enhances email security and brand recognition. It verifies the authenticity of emails and allows legitimate senders to display their brand logos next to their messages in recipients' inboxes. This visual representation of your brand strengthens your email marketing efforts and increases trust among recipients.

BIMI Generators

BIMI generators simplify the process of creating and implementing BIMI records. These handy tools assist you in generating the necessary files, such as Verified Mark Certificates (VMC) and Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) records, which are essential components of BIMI. By automating the process, BIMI generators save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your email marketing strategy.

BIMI Automation: A Summary

To truly leverage the power of BIMI, it's essential to understand the architectural components that make it possible. Let's briefly explore these components before delving into the specifics of using a BIMI generator.

BIMI Architectural Components

The key architectural components of BIMI include:

  • Verified Mark Certificate (VMC): A digital certificate issued by a trusted authority that confirms the authenticity and ownership of a brand logo.
  • Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC): A technical protocol that authenticates and verifies the sending domain of an email, reducing the risk of phishing and spoofing attacks.

Using a BIMI Generator

Now that we have a solid foundation, let's explore how to use a BIMI generator effectively. In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide using BIMI Group's BIMI Inspector, a popular BIMI generator tool.

Step-by-Step Guide: BIMI Group’s BIMI Inspector

Here is a step-by-step guide on using BIMI Group's BIMI Inspector:

  1. Access the BIMI Inspector: Visit BIMI Group's website and locate the BIMI Inspector tool.
  3. Verify your domain: Enter your domain name into the BIMI Inspector and verify its eligibility for BIMI implementation.
  5. Generate VMC and DMARC records: Follow the instructions provided by the BIMI Inspector tool to generate the necessary VMC and DMARC records.
  7. Configure DNS settings: Update your DNS records to include the generated VMC and DMARC records. This step ensures that email clients can validate your brand logo and authentication.

Using a BIMI Generator

Now that we have a solid foundation, let's explore how to use a BIMI generator effectively. In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide using BIMI Group's BIMI Inspector, a popular BIMI generator tool.

Step-by-Step Guide: BIMI Group’s BIMI Inspector

Here is a step-by-step guide on using BIMI Group's BIMI Inspector:

  1. Access the BIMI Inspector: Visit BIMI Group's website and locate the BIMI Inspector tool.
  3. Verify your domain: Enter your domain name into the BIMI Inspector and verify its eligibility for BIMI implementation.
  5. Generate VMC and DMARC records: Follow the instructions provided by the BIMI Inspector tool to generate the necessary VMC and DMARC records.
  7. Configure DNS settings: Update your DNS records to include the generated VMC and DMARC records. This step ensures that email clients can validate your brand logo and authentication.

Deploying the BIMI Record

Once you have successfully generated and configured the required files, it's time to deploy the BIMI record. This process involves publishing the necessary DNS records and verifying the placement of your brand logo. The BIMI generator tool you choose will typically provide detailed instructions on how to complete this step.

Automating BIMI

As your email marketing operations scale, manual BIMI implementation can become time-consuming. That's where automation comes in. Here are some automation options that can streamline your BIMI journey:

BIMI Logo Converter

A BIMI logo converter simplifies the process of converting your brand logo into the required VMC format. By automating this step, you eliminate the need for manual file conversion and ensure compliance with BIMI standards.

Facilitating the Verification Process

Automated verification tools can assist in validating your domain and logo, ensuring they meet the necessary requirements. These tools offer efficient and reliable verification, saving you valuable time and effort.


Implementing and managing DMARC can be complex, but DMARC-as-a-Service solutions simplify the process. These services help you set up and maintain your DMARC policy, reducing the risk of email spoofing and improving your email deliverability.

Amplify: Comprehensive Automation for BIMI

For a comprehensive automation solution, consider platforms like Amplify. These services offer end-to-end BIMI automation, guiding you through the entire process, from logo conversion to DNS configuration. With Amplify, you can streamline your BIMI implementation and maintenance while ensuring compliance with industry standards.

Limitations of BIMI Automation

While BIMI automation offers numerous benefits, it's essential to be aware of its limitations. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  • Verification of Branded Logo: Automated tools rely on accurate logo representation. It's crucial to ensure that your brand logo meets the necessary guidelines and accurately represents your brand identity.
  • Creating a Logo: If you don't already have a branded logo, the automation process won't create one for you. You'll need to design or obtain a logo that meets the specifications required for BIMI implementation.
  • Self-hosting BIMI Logo and VMC File: Automated BIMI solutions simplify the generation and deployment of BIMI records. However, you are responsible for hosting your brand logo and VMC file on a secure and reliable server.

Verification of Branded Logo

Automated tools rely on accurate logo representation. It's crucial to ensure that your brand logo meets the necessary guidelines and accurately represents your brand identity.

Creating a Logo

If you don't already have a branded logo, the automation process won't create one for you. You'll need to design or obtain a logo that meets the specifications required for BIMI implementation.

Self-hosting BIMI Logo and VMC file

Automated BIMI solutions simplify the generation and deployment of BIMI records. However, you are responsible for hosting your brand logo and VMC file on a secure and reliable server.


In conclusion, implementing BIMI can significantly enhance your brand's visibility and trustworthiness in email marketing. BIMI generators and automation tools simplify the process, saving time and effort while ensuring compliance with industry standards. By utilizing BIMI, you can leverage the power of visual brand representation in recipients' inboxes.

How Palisade.Email Can Simplify Your BIMI Journey

At Palisade.Email, we understand that navigating the world of BIMI can be challenging. That's why we offer a 2-minute questionnaire to help assess where you are in the process and identify the next steps for your company. Fill out our questionnaire here and let our experts guide you in implementing BIMI effectively. Don't let technical hurdles hold you back from leveraging the power of BIMI to enhance your email marketing strategy.

The Ultimate BIMI Generator Guide

Published on
July 2, 2024
Dominic Landry
Email security specialist
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In the ever-evolving landscape of email marketing, ensuring that your brand stands out and gains trust from your recipients is crucial. One powerful way to achieve this is by implementing Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI). BIMI allows you to display your brand's logo next to your emails in supporting email clients. In this article, we will explore BIMI generators and the automation options available, empowering you to take full advantage of this innovative email authentication protocol.

Understanding BIMI

Before diving into the world of BIMI generators, let's first gain a clear understanding of what BIMI is and how it works. BIMI is an email standard that enhances email security and brand recognition. It verifies the authenticity of emails and allows legitimate senders to display their brand logos next to their messages in recipients' inboxes. This visual representation of your brand strengthens your email marketing efforts and increases trust among recipients.

BIMI Generators

BIMI generators simplify the process of creating and implementing BIMI records. These handy tools assist you in generating the necessary files, such as Verified Mark Certificates (VMC) and Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) records, which are essential components of BIMI. By automating the process, BIMI generators save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your email marketing strategy.

BIMI Automation: A Summary

To truly leverage the power of BIMI, it's essential to understand the architectural components that make it possible. Let's briefly explore these components before delving into the specifics of using a BIMI generator.

BIMI Architectural Components

The key architectural components of BIMI include:

  • Verified Mark Certificate (VMC): A digital certificate issued by a trusted authority that confirms the authenticity and ownership of a brand logo.
  • Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC): A technical protocol that authenticates and verifies the sending domain of an email, reducing the risk of phishing and spoofing attacks.

Using a BIMI Generator

Now that we have a solid foundation, let's explore how to use a BIMI generator effectively. In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide using BIMI Group's BIMI Inspector, a popular BIMI generator tool.

Step-by-Step Guide: BIMI Group’s BIMI Inspector

Here is a step-by-step guide on using BIMI Group's BIMI Inspector:

  1. Access the BIMI Inspector: Visit BIMI Group's website and locate the BIMI Inspector tool.
  3. Verify your domain: Enter your domain name into the BIMI Inspector and verify its eligibility for BIMI implementation.
  5. Generate VMC and DMARC records: Follow the instructions provided by the BIMI Inspector tool to generate the necessary VMC and DMARC records.
  7. Configure DNS settings: Update your DNS records to include the generated VMC and DMARC records. This step ensures that email clients can validate your brand logo and authentication.

Using a BIMI Generator

Now that we have a solid foundation, let's explore how to use a BIMI generator effectively. In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide using BIMI Group's BIMI Inspector, a popular BIMI generator tool.

Step-by-Step Guide: BIMI Group’s BIMI Inspector

Here is a step-by-step guide on using BIMI Group's BIMI Inspector:

  1. Access the BIMI Inspector: Visit BIMI Group's website and locate the BIMI Inspector tool.
  3. Verify your domain: Enter your domain name into the BIMI Inspector and verify its eligibility for BIMI implementation.
  5. Generate VMC and DMARC records: Follow the instructions provided by the BIMI Inspector tool to generate the necessary VMC and DMARC records.
  7. Configure DNS settings: Update your DNS records to include the generated VMC and DMARC records. This step ensures that email clients can validate your brand logo and authentication.

Deploying the BIMI Record

Once you have successfully generated and configured the required files, it's time to deploy the BIMI record. This process involves publishing the necessary DNS records and verifying the placement of your brand logo. The BIMI generator tool you choose will typically provide detailed instructions on how to complete this step.

Automating BIMI

As your email marketing operations scale, manual BIMI implementation can become time-consuming. That's where automation comes in. Here are some automation options that can streamline your BIMI journey:

BIMI Logo Converter

A BIMI logo converter simplifies the process of converting your brand logo into the required VMC format. By automating this step, you eliminate the need for manual file conversion and ensure compliance with BIMI standards.

Facilitating the Verification Process

Automated verification tools can assist in validating your domain and logo, ensuring they meet the necessary requirements. These tools offer efficient and reliable verification, saving you valuable time and effort.


Implementing and managing DMARC can be complex, but DMARC-as-a-Service solutions simplify the process. These services help you set up and maintain your DMARC policy, reducing the risk of email spoofing and improving your email deliverability.

Amplify: Comprehensive Automation for BIMI

For a comprehensive automation solution, consider platforms like Amplify. These services offer end-to-end BIMI automation, guiding you through the entire process, from logo conversion to DNS configuration. With Amplify, you can streamline your BIMI implementation and maintenance while ensuring compliance with industry standards.

Limitations of BIMI Automation

While BIMI automation offers numerous benefits, it's essential to be aware of its limitations. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  • Verification of Branded Logo: Automated tools rely on accurate logo representation. It's crucial to ensure that your brand logo meets the necessary guidelines and accurately represents your brand identity.
  • Creating a Logo: If you don't already have a branded logo, the automation process won't create one for you. You'll need to design or obtain a logo that meets the specifications required for BIMI implementation.
  • Self-hosting BIMI Logo and VMC File: Automated BIMI solutions simplify the generation and deployment of BIMI records. However, you are responsible for hosting your brand logo and VMC file on a secure and reliable server.

Verification of Branded Logo

Automated tools rely on accurate logo representation. It's crucial to ensure that your brand logo meets the necessary guidelines and accurately represents your brand identity.

Creating a Logo

If you don't already have a branded logo, the automation process won't create one for you. You'll need to design or obtain a logo that meets the specifications required for BIMI implementation.

Self-hosting BIMI Logo and VMC file

Automated BIMI solutions simplify the generation and deployment of BIMI records. However, you are responsible for hosting your brand logo and VMC file on a secure and reliable server.


In conclusion, implementing BIMI can significantly enhance your brand's visibility and trustworthiness in email marketing. BIMI generators and automation tools simplify the process, saving time and effort while ensuring compliance with industry standards. By utilizing BIMI, you can leverage the power of visual brand representation in recipients' inboxes.

How Palisade.Email Can Simplify Your BIMI Journey

At Palisade.Email, we understand that navigating the world of BIMI can be challenging. That's why we offer a 2-minute questionnaire to help assess where you are in the process and identify the next steps for your company. Fill out our questionnaire here and let our experts guide you in implementing BIMI effectively. Don't let technical hurdles hold you back from leveraging the power of BIMI to enhance your email marketing strategy.

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