C3 Tech

Specializes in IT services and office technology solutions.
Santa Ana
United States
C3 Tech, located in the heart of Santa Ana, CA, is a leading provider of IT services and office technology solutions designed to elevate business performance. With a focus on innovation and reliability, C3 Tech offers a wide array of services, including Managed IT Network services, Data Backup, Network Security, and VoIP solutions. Their expertise extends to Cybersecurity Training, ensuring that businesses are well-equipped to handle the ever-evolving landscape of digital threats. Additionally, C3 Tech provides Copier and Printer Repair and Managed Print services, catering to the diverse needs of modern offices. Their commitment to excellence is evident in their tailored solutions that meet the unique demands of each client.

At the core of C3 Tech's operations is a dedicated team of professionals based at their Orange County headquarters. This team prioritizes customer support, ensuring that clients receive prompt and effective assistance. By fostering strong relationships and maintaining open lines of communication, C3 Tech has established itself as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to optimize their IT infrastructure and office technology. Their unwavering dedication to quality service and customer satisfaction sets them apart in the competitive landscape of IT solutions.
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IT Managed Services
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